Worlds Collapse

A roar causes the tides to turn against their current. A smile no more.

He is no longer man, but beast. Ashamed at his own identity. Demon to the core.

His roar is not that of anger, or of fear, but pain. His worst fears are present.

Trees die, life ceases and time slows, but he can't rewind time. A full moon now cresent.

Mountains fall and rivers boil. Trauma shakes the earth win his wrath.

He can't stand the pain so he hides behind the facade of his blood bath.

His sight becomes as clear as his mind, a cataract of hell. And so, he will see hell.

No matter what he does, he will never be human, just a beast, and evil as well.

So watch the worlds collapse in his rage for the pain he has to endure.

But have no fear. These are his worlds. In his mind. You are safe for sure.

So fear not of the beast, he will die. Crippled by his own worlds, which he divides.

He could stop it, he could rest. But no. He wants to die, or so he decides.

Let this simple beast die.