This immortal anger...
~~ Warning: This piece contains abusive language that may offend some people.~~


I feel it, day after day. The way it makes my body cry for blood. The surge of energy forcing through my muscles begging me to scream a battle cry of anger without regret or thought to consequence.

I feel the burning sensation of pain driving its way though me like a deluge of blood raining across the land, bringing up an anger of unimaginable proportions and raising all defences.

So what is it, that stops me from dragging all my enemies to the floor and tearing their spinal cords out for amusement? Law. Not 'the law', but my law, dictated by my powers.

For every ounce of pain I bear, another bears a pounds, for every inch of hatred I hold, another holds miles. For every second of adrenaline rush I feel, another feels hours.

Who is this other? Who is the 'another' who bears an even greater rage than myself?  Me, of course. But how? Not me, me. The other me. The immortal part of me that remembers.

The part of me that sees all these raving fools with all their self pity and self centred lifestyles who give not a care to those in need, rising the want inside me to slice, dice crush and dismember.

This person, this second me, begs to rise to the surface. Yearns to enact the revenge that my soul demands, but restrains from forcing. So let me get it out here, in my writing.

I hate you all, you pitiful mother fuckers. You arse raping shit stabbing bastards. You fools, idiots, insignificant maggots of disgraces who think you have the right to be human.

Let this be a warning that stretches far and wide, and in your soul, scorch a brand to remind you that I don't forget, I do remember, and I will have revenge.

I need not name you, for you know who you are. You know what you have done. You know I still bear the grudge and I will get to you, no matter how many barriers you send.

Licking the blade of cold steel, I will dissect you like the insects that you are. Not to be too crude, but I'm going to fuck you up and cut you up in a way you will never believe.

I'm older now, stronger, less concerned with the why, and I no longer have the fear that you beat into me. So to you all, I can never forget and cannot be deceived.

I have no fear of death for I know I can't die. So watch yourself as you walk down that dark alley on an unusual night, I will be there.

This immortal anger will empower me with the fury of demons, wrath of angels, vision of God and mercy of Satan. That night, your severed head will be held triumphantly in the air...

((Dedicated to the rage I suppress everyday, that I do so well, it seems no one even notices it's there. Amazing thing, the element of surprise...))