The Heavens Open

The heavens have opened for us...
Before, my dark side was a barrier...
Now I have been blessed...
She has redeemed me...
Before, I was a dark knight...
Now, I am her knight...
Protecting her innocence...
Keeping her pure...
Keeping her true...
Protecting her from harm...
As the clouds part us...
So I do what I must...
Her innocence isn't lost...
My dark side now protects her...
Form the dark...
She sees none of this...
She will not lose her innocence...
She will not see my battles...
With them...
She will never come to harm...
Not from the demons...
Once with them...
I, now, slay them...
They will not reach her...
Nor will she see them fall...
Even though they unwarrently rise...
For I am here...
They will fall again...
As they did once...
They will never return...
Never hurt her...
As long as I live...
But I have been blessed...
As long as I am with her...
I am immortal...
So fear not, my goddess...
I am here...
I will never leave...
Never die...
Never run...
Never quit...
I am your knight...
The heavens open...
I am allowed to be here...
In divine glory...
For you...

((Dedicated to my goddess, who I will sacrifice everything I am, to protect... and love...))