
Let me crash and burn into the inferno that is my life.
Let me forget all of the things that have tortured my soul.
Let me run from this place that has been shook to ruins.
Let me leave this body of flesh and bone.

I want to burn all that I see.
I want to torch the innocent.
I want to spark the bombs.
I want to kill the world.

I feel crisp and burnt.
I feel hot and flaming.
I feel like rage has taken me.
I feel lost in hell.

Let the clouds grow black and spark a torrent of whirring dervishes.
Let the winds as dry as the desert sand pick up and remove the saturation of blood.
Let the rain of the heavy night wash away these tears of hurt and pain.
Let the poor child you see before you die once again.

((Dedicated to me during one of my many recent mind collapsing experiences. To me, though, this is living.))