Is it because I find you amusing? No.
Is it because I feel the need? No.
Is it because of the way you sing? No.
Is it because you let me take lead? No.
Then, why am I bound to you like this?
Why am I completely entrapped by you?
Why can't I leave and take a goodbye?
Why am I caught in this little coup?
Escape seems impossible.
To tell the truth, I don't want to leave.
But the option is no longer there.
And still, I have room to breathe.
So, being bound like this is quite nice.
My heart was stolen in your last jewel heist.
I'm yours forever, through choice or not.
That's something you never forgot.
But now the question faces its owner.
I want to know about the many things you think.
There must be something deeper.
Something that keeps us linked.
What is it about me that you like?
What do I do to make you love me?
What is it about me that makes you fight?
What is it about me that makes you feel free?
((Dedicated to the woman who just can't get rid of me :) I love you, my angel...))